What is life?
Anyone who can define life can comment their answer in the comment box or their definition of life.
So if one tries to define life then he/she may be able to define life. But some people were unable to define. If we ask one how's your life going? Most of the people answer... 'Jhand padi hai yar zindagi'. Yes, am I right or wrong. So Now again the question comes why are not people happy with their lives. I can give you the only reason behind this is they are not happy or satisfied with their daily routine, or they are doing those work for which their mind is not meant to be but still they are doing. That's the only reason for their sadness about life because they are not happy from inside. Due to which people try to attempt suicide. Yes, that's the bitter truth.

So, Let me tell you life in my simple words:- Life is nothing except living every moment which is passing with every tick tick of our clock. No one in this world Can say that he/she has lived their life to fully because nature won't allow them to do so because their actions which the god has written with his/her birth is bounded with him/her.
If I tell you that in order to live your life to the fullest do one thing which I m saying that whatever you are doing never ever think that you are wasting your time. Instead of this, you must say to your brain that you are learning something that might help you in your future. From LKG class we were taught to study otherwise we won't be able to do anything in life, I'm asking you is it so?
If you won't study definitely you will have to face problems in your future life but it doesn't mean that you can't do anything. Most of the politicians are illiterate still their bank balance is more than the whole income of an IIT graduate student. Now you can notice what I m saying are you able to grab what i m saying if you are able then to do comment what did, I said if not then wait for my next blog which will be continued by me tomorrow. Till then I want all of you to write the definition of Life in Your own Words And also tell me the moment of your life when your happiness was on the sky.
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