Life A lesson which is given to all || SOCIAL MEDIA TIK TOK Ban ??

Yesterday we discussed a lot of things about life such as its define, if you are a new visitor then definitely go and read the previous article which I have posted before this. 

So, Hello Everyone I welcome all of you to this blog. I hope you like the previous blog, So today's blog is connected to the previous blog. I highly recommend you to read the previous blog if you haven't read it. So, Let's Begin today's blog. 

Definition of life in your own words ??

So, again I ask a question to all of you, How's Your Life is going ?? Most of your answers I know already but still, if you want to share with me then you can comment you feeling in the comment box. 

Life is happiness which comes from inside when we do some work. I hope all of you are getting what I'm Saying. I know most of you people are fed up with this blog because you are reading the same thing which you read in the previous so why reading the same thing again and again. Exactly na am I right or wrong. So Wait wait don't get angry I'm Trying to connect you to the previous only because of one reason so that you can understand this topic which I'm going to start now. So let's Start.....

People have been so busy in their life running behind money that they don't even remember that they are ending their life in such a simple manner which is not meant to be. Are you getting my point or not, I hope you are getting. So, What I'm trying to say that you people are so busy in things that you even forget that there is the world around you in which you are not even involved. You are losing your presence in this world where your mom hurt herself in order to give you birth. She didn't give you birth to live the life of a donkey because most of the people are living the life of a donkey. They Go to bed at late night and early morning wakes up and go to the job( I'm here talking about the ones who goes to work). If we take an example that today's youth has involved so much in Dirty social media that they have lost their potential to do something in Life. We all have dreams whom we want to change them into reality but with what expectations you even think that when you are not even working for them. Recently the Tik Tok Social media app has been banned a few days before but now the banned has been taken back saying that now there will be No kind of Cringy and dirty content will be posted. What Rubbish ??

My dear Fellow people, Students, Friends , I Strongly recommend you whether wasting your time on such things better to spend time with your friends, with your family, with your loved ones, with your dreams, with your ambitions, with your potential, with your books, because these social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok and all other are only the destroyers of your Future life because they will only waste your time instead of these platforms Study hard to make your future bright ( here I'm talking about students). I'm not saying that don't use them do use them but use these apps for only a little span of time for just your entertainment not for the whole day. If you have a source of income through these apps then do use them but remember one thing that they will never ever provide you constant income. Suppose one-day government ban all these apps than what will you do?
Hope you got it what I said in the above paragraph Because life is undefinable because everyone has their own definition of life. In simple words, No one can define life because it's definition neither be created nor be destroyed only transferring from one's words to others. So, Spent time with your family, with your dreams because in your future no one is gonna help you except these. 

So we will meet tomorrow with another amazing blog, Till then stay tuned and do subscribe and do visit our blog.
